

Photo Credit: Vance Photography

Photo Credit: Vance Photography

Photo Credit: Vance Photography

Photo Credit: Vance Photography


Vanessa is a Lubbock native. She received her BFA in Acting and minor in Dance from Texas Tech University. Upon graduation, she headed to Los Angeles where she was introduced to and fell in love with belly dance. Life has never been the same. Vanessa began a journey in search of understanding how the body, mind, and spirit operate individually and as a whole. She combines her studies in the healing arts, meditation, dance, and yoga in creating a unique and personalized approach to working with others in achieving a deeper connection to Self and to the world around them. She is excited to share with you the tools and methods that have helped her along the way to experiencing a more joyful and empowered life. She is currently teaches classes and workshops in the Austin and Lubbock areas.

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