Why Donate?

For 20 years, the Austin Belly Dance Convention has served the Austin and Middle Eastern communities by promoting and supporting dance, music, and art in positive and creative ways. The convention offers opportunities for all audiences to experience a diverse cultural heritage. The ABDC participants have the opportunity to learn about regional Middle Eastern traditional and contemporary dances as well as fusion styles that developed in the United States over the past 140 years. The ABDC maintains tradition while embracing the contemporary.

Our goal for the ABDC is to achieve broad, diverse accessibility and participation. The event offers opportunities for education, performances, new product distribution, artist collaboration, networking, and professional development. The ABDC features emerging local talent, local talent who are nationally and internationally recognized, and other world renowned artists. Professional and amateur participants from any field that intersects with Middle Eastern dance, including dancers, musicians, customers, vendors, artists, scholars, photographers, and videographers create this unique event.

The ABDC contributes to Austin’s cultural tourism development by helping make our city a recognized destination for learning. The ABDC is known as an international conference with its unique and artistic experience drawing in locals and international travelers alike. In 2019, our 300+ attendees came from 13 states and 6 countries.

In order to build a successful and sustainable event, The Austin Belly Dance Convention is now working in conjunction with Texas Folklife, a 501c(3) organization dedicated to preserving and presenting the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State.

Only through the generosity of like-minded patrons can the ABDC continue. Consider donating and support the ABDC's programs and activities.

Ways you can support us




We welcome you to join our family by investing in your future and ours. Partner with us in the creative and learning processes and keep workshops and performances affordable and accessible for participants. Receive recognition of your Tax Deductible gift while enjoying the ABDC.

Individual Giving Levels*

Star: $10 Moon: $25 Sun: $50 Agate: $100
Recognition on website and
Facebook for 2019 convention
Choice of 1 Swag Item 10% off your workshops purchase Choice of 1 Swag Bag**
OR 2 Gala Show tickets
Amber: $150 Ruby: $250 Lapis: $500 Cinnabar: $1000
- 1 ABDC Swag Bag**
- 2 VIP Gala Show seats
- 1 ABDC Swag Bag**
- 2 VIP Gala Show seats
- Photo opp with performers
- 1 ABDC Swag Bag**
- 2 VIP Gala Show seats
- 2 free ABDC workshops
- Photo opp with performer
- 1 ABDC Swag Bag**
- 2 VIP Gala Show seats
- Free ABDC full weekend workshop package
- Photo opp with performers

You may choose to make your gift 100% tax-deductible by declining benefits.

*Swag items include bag, notebook w/pen, and water bottle.
**Swag Bag includes all swag items plus t-shirt.
**Items available at pick up during the ABDC weekend.**



The ABDC supports sponsors’ goals and objectives. With a range of levels available, there are options for every business and every budget. In-kind donations and partnership levels can be tailored to specific needs, budgets, and time frames.

Benefits can include brand alignment, business development opportunities with our participants, and experiences for clients and employees.

Marketing Opportunities Include: Staff Rewards Include:

- Logo placement on the ABDC's print materials (posters, postcards, print ads), newsletters, social media, and website
- On-site company banner
- Vendor space
- Advertisement in the free event program

- VIP tickets to Gala shows
-Entry to workshops and lectures
- Swag bags

Partnership Levels*

 Jade: $500
 Pearl: $1000
Gold: $2500
Opal: $5000
VIP gala seats and photo opp with featured artists 
 2 tickets
 4 tickets
 6 tickets
 8 tickets
 The ABDC swag bag: t-shirt, bag, notebook (with pen), and water bottle
 1 bag
 2 bags
 2 bags
 3 bags
 Attend 2 (two) workshops with our featured instructors on Saturday and Sunday morning
 Attend 1 (one) ABDC weekend workshop package
 Recognition of the company or individual on website from start of contracted time until 6/26/17
 Logo and link to website on website from start of contracted time until 6/26/17
 Logo on newsletter, facebook banner, and application forms from start of contracted time until 6/26/17
 Logo on posters and postcards from start of contracted time until 6/26/17
 Banner near the performance - workshop space with company logo for entire weekend (banners to be supplied by Sponsor)
 Ad in the free ABDC Event program
 1/4 page
 1/2 page
 full page
 Vending table in lobby 6'*6' space, restrictions apply
 1 spot

*Monetary or in-kind donations.



Please fill out the on-line ABDC Donation form. If you have questions, please contact us at admin@theabdc.com.


On-line donations should be made through Texas Folklife's eTapestry.* Please change the frequency of the donation "one time" and write "the ABDC and the specific sponsorship level" in the comments section so your generous donation heads to the right place. You will receive a "thank you" email from them on our behalf as well as one from us.

*eTapestry charges One-Blended Rate for credit cards 2.598% + $0.26 per transaction (USD) and $0.75 per Transaction (USD) for ACH/Direct Debit: $0.75 per Transaction (USD). 


Please note that checks must be made payable to Texas Folklife with "the ABDC and the specific sponsorship level" written on the memo line and sent to:
Texas Folklife
c/o The ABDC
1708 Houston St. 
Austin, TX 78756

Our Sponsors

The ABDC is happy to be working with these wonderful non-profits.
This project is supported in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department and Texas Folklife.