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Arielle - Egyptian Street Shaabi: Mahraganat Choreography

  • The ABDC 3112 Corbin Lane Austin, TX, 78704 United States (map)

Mahraganat (street shaabi) is more than funky beats and fast-paced lyrics. This once underground, shunned form of music has become mainstream in Egypt; but how? Before we start dancing, we will be discussing the economic, political, sociological, and cultural issues that gave rise to this form of music, and consequently, the form of dance. The goal is to understand the context of what this music means to modern Egyptian culture and how we, as dance artists, can go forward with a deeper understanding and appreciation of what it means to dance to this music. After this brief lecture, students will be learning a short choreography that mixes elements of street style, folklore, raqs sharqi, and popular dance. This class is open to all levels and will include a breakdown of the lyrics that accompany each step. Please have two full knives available, preferably metal butter knives, but plastic will suffice. We will be throwing in plenty of authentic moves from the streets of Cairo and will use butter knives to mimic the large knives the men use when dancing this style.

Skill Level: All Levels

Sunday, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT.

June 27

Nessa - Finding the Muse Within